Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rainy day

(via parvati the witch)

So.....I decided not to go tubing this morning. Apparently it's an annual trip--the T2 orientation group takes the new T1s (whoever wants to go) tubing on the Bogue Chitto. Sounds like lots of fun, but I was feeling pretty indecisive about it for a few reasons. I had gone to bed planning to go, but when I woke up, it was POURING. Now, they had a rain-or-shine policy, and it probably would've cleared up later in the day, but the thunder and lightning all night tipped me over the edge. I think that I would've felt a little like this guy. My justification: I get cold, like, super easy; I'm going to see all of these kids tonight at the orientation party; now I can eat a big breakfast and go watch the new Batman movie. I'm still waffling about whether or not I made the right decision, but in the end, this is another one of those not-such-a-big-deal situations and I just need to get over things. I'll organize my own damn tubing trip. When it's sunny.

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